Try it today youtube consulting questionnaire Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Email *1. What is your name and YouTube channel name? *2. How did you find out about us?3. What is the name and URL of the YouTube channel(s) you're inquiring about us managing, or having us run ads on, or would like to ask questions about?4. For the purposes of us working together, are you: *The owner of this channel and/or business?An employee of this channel and/or business?Acting as an agency or third party that manages this channel and/or business?An agency or third party that is pitching this channel and/or business?Other?5. What are your primary video, social, marketing, and media platforms (YouTube, your own app, social media, email, website, podcast, Discord, TV, etc.)? Please rank in order of percentage of how important they are to your brand. Please add any relevant URLs, and elaborate as needed:6. If we worked together for 12 months, and we were looking back on those 12 months, how would we know if our work together would be considered a success?7. What is the service your YouTube channel provides?8. Who is the ideal viewer for your channel? What problems are they trying to solve by watching your videos? What is their Age, Gender, Location, Profession, Interests?9. Why do you like doing what you do?10. Please list 3 competitor YouTube channels and their URLs.11. Why is your channel better than your competitors? If you don't think you're necessarily the absolute best, what makes your channel unique?12. What is the No. 1 problem you are trying to solve today?13. Have you previously worked with others who provide similar services to ours (YouTube consulting or YouTube ads consulting)? How was the experience? What were the challenges? If the work has been with an internal team - what has caused you to need outside help? Why is there a change being considered? What is new that is needed? What is the timeline that this change needs to take place by?14. Who are the stakeholders who will have a role in determining the success of this project? These could be team members, clients, managers, writers, video producers, video editors, company investors, etc.15. How many overall person-hours are spent by you and your team each week working on your YouTube channel: Planning videos, shooting videos, editing videos, traveling to and from locations, promoting on social media or in email, working on sponsorships, etc.?16. We do regular calls of 30-60 minutes with each client to report on progress. Which team member(s) would be on the call?17. What time zones do the stakeholders live in, generally?18. Which team member is the primary decision maker on this project?19. How many YouTube videos do you publish per month?20. How far in advance of the videos needing to be published are they produced, completed and approved (minus metadata and optimization)?21. What percentage of videos are about these content formats/styles? 1) Tutorials (about your expertise) 2) Tutorials (about your services) 3) Storytelling/Vlog 4) Lifestyle 4) Entertainment 5) Personal Stories 6) Promotional (but not paid ads) 7) Paid Ads 8) Other22. Please add a link to an example video that is the closest in style to the videos planned over the next few months. If there is more than one style planned, please add a relevant link for each style:23. What is your goal by having a YouTube channel?24. Do you ask your viewers to take action in the videos? If so, what do you ask?25. What are your main revenue sources that are generated by or influenced by your YouTube channel or videos? Please add percentages of revenue (approx.) that come from each source: 1) products you sell 2) online services, platforms or apps 3) consulting or coaching services 4) online courses or memberships 5) ad revenue (AdSense) 6) licensing videos 7) sponsorships or brand deals 8) affiliate revenue 9) books 10) speaking engagements or appearance fees 11) other26. From your main revenue sources listed above, what percentage of viewers buy something from you or become technically "customers," in a way that they have given you money for some reason and you now have their email address?27. Are you doing paid media (ads) on YouTube? On other social media? On Google? What kinds? What budget per month? If you ran new YouTube ads, what products or services would you promote?28. What are the names of the people who shoot, edit, and/or write scripts for your videos? Who does what?29. What is the No. 1 limitation preventing a customer from purchasing something you sell? What is the No. 1 limitation from a sponsor sponsoring you?30. When viewers message you or speak with you for the first time, what are the top 5-10 questions they almost always ask? Often these can be uninformed questions, but sometimes better-informed questions. We'd like to know both.31. Once people become customers, how long do they stay customers, on average?32. What is the average cost of your most commonly purchased product or service? What is that product or service called? What is the URL of the web page people go to buy that service?33. If someone is on the right track to become a customer: How long after you first receive their contact information as a lead, do they actually become a customer and actually pay you, on average?34. How do you track where leads come from? For instance, do you use Salesforce, Hubspot, Google Analytics, etc.? What else do use?35. Anything else to add?Submit